
Boycalledcrow is the alias of Chester-based sound artist Carl Knott (Wonderful Beasts, Spacelab). Knott is a former folk musician using his nascent acoustic influences as the basis for his unique and often stirring compositions.
Dosed up on My Bloody Valentine, Animal Collective, Eno, and Reich, Knott studied Music Technology at the University of Limerick, forming a love for minimalism and melody.
Knott has released albums on a variety of underground labels including Waxing Crescent Records, Strategic Tape Reserve, and Wormhole World.
From moments of sonic mania in Wizard’s Castle; gauzy, saturated synth lines, and glitched-out arrangements of Bottletown to the nonsensical vocal fragments of Mystic Scally, at any given moment, the atmosphere might be cozy, unsettling, or somehow both simultaneous. Through affected organic instrumentation, he shows us both the virtue of the natural and of the corrupted; he shows us moments of aching emotion and synthetic beauty.