
The history of Brighton-based electronica artist preston.outatime is anything but straightforward. His music forms slowly over time from fragments of ideas, genres and pieced together as a collage of his creative process.
Coming from a background in visual arts, Preston had experimented with music and sound design in various forms over 20 years before 2016’s Enceladus EP finally emerged as a slice of cut and paste hip hop inspired by Ninja Tune records, and 2018’s Saros Cycles forged a path into electronica, blasting with raw techno vibes.
The stage was set for his penchant for mixing genres and Coplanar in 2019 journeyed through a range of styles and tempos, never settling on one sound. What set Coplanar apart and displayed preston.outatime as an evolving artist was the deep organic textures added through field recordings, samples and found sounds.