30 Door Key A Warning To The Curious
Vinyl Catalogue Number: SUBEX00168
Download Catalogue Number: SUBEX00169
General Release Date: 31/01/2025

The games afoot as 30 Door Key unlocks psychedelic mayhem in a world of 'Mistery & Imagination'.
Alessio Bosco, from Palermo Italy, describes his 30 Door Key project in suitably enigmatic terms:
"The TV channel of an elsewhere, transmitted by a ghost frequency. The access to a parallel place ruled by a time out of joint: cycles break, jump back, locked loop. An alternative 20th century, eternally colliding with a future that has already passed."
Originally the title of a classic M.R.James ghost story, 'A Warning To The Curious' seems to signal for the wary listener to beware .. there is unsettling drama lurking amongst the warm nostalgic haze of this bumper double album.
When pressed, Alessio's reveals he likes to draw from a many-splendored lexicon of dizzying, sometimes arcane preoccupations.
"This eerie elsewhere of a parallel psychic dimension whose supermarket soundtrack of floating (ex)bodies voices consists of: echoes, waves, filters, vortices, cosmic evolutions, grainy films, top and bowler hats, dark clothes, monoliths, stone circles, Romolo Grano on Questi’s Arcana, M.R.James, hypnosis, illusionism, Daniela Casa, the Kraftwerk before Kraftwerk, Kraftwerk, ancient astronauts, middle ages, art nouveau, the grimace contest between Crispin Glover and Iain Glen, keys and eyeballs, Basha, Broadcast, Babs Santini, Supernatural, supernatural in the “sceneggiati” RAI, Throbbing Gristle on Radio RAI, Throbbing Gristle/Psychic TV, Tangerine Dream, Ron Geesin, Factory/Warp/4AD, Germano Facetti, Jean Michel Jarre in low resolution as a theme song for remote reports on tiny local networks, Nova Vlna, William Gibson, Bryan Talbot, KPM, horror folk, acid folk, folklore, Boards Of Canada, Alessandro Alessandroni, Ghost Box Records, Egisto Macchi on discoloured ancient art documentaries, Il Segno Del Comando, Marty Feldman, Bagpuss, Area, Bruton Music, Kenneth Anger, Julian Cope, the Beatles on their Magical Mystery Tour, Piero Umiliani on the Moog, numerology, A Field In England, Isan, Peter Kolosimo, psychedelia, myths and legends, Shining, The Residents, Roland Topor, Albert E L’Uomo Nero, Jan Lenica, “ghosts, sprites and phantoms”, Childcraft, arts & crafts, Derek Jarman, Borowczyk’s cartoons, Lovecraft, Are You Being Served? in Going Up by Coil, Coil, Sapphire And Steel, Delia Derbyshire, Cluster/Kluster, A Ghost Story For Christmas, Bernard Fevre, CAM, Deep Red, Magritte, Nella Città Vampira, Alan Garner, BBC Radiophonic Workshop, Possum, Spike Milligan, Plantasia, European Phonology Studies, Alain Goraguer, Suicide, Neu, John Wyndham, Cochi E Renato, Moon Wiring Club, The Shout, Ennio Morricone, Ken Russell, Andrew Weatherall, Siouxsie, Karl Blake, Peter Blake, William Blake, E.A. Poe, number stations, Valerie, Young Marble Giants, Berberian Sound Studio, Battiato in the 70s, Inside No.9, Dick/Ballard/Burroughs, Paul Roland, inexplicable finds in abandoned places, Renaldo And The Loaf, the lady in the radiator, Hipgnosis, Andy Votel, Monty Phyton/Terry Gilliam, The Spirit Of The Beehive, Bruno Bozzetto, Stereolab, Ernesto De Martino, Morgiana, cryptids, La Jetée, Faust, The House Of Laughing Windows, John Carpenter, Steven Stapleton's list/Nurse With Wound, library music, Nigel Kneale, 60s filtered through Él Records..."
Make of that what you will. What is clear is his mastery and skilful application is reward enough. You will be entertained.
Alessio has played with various bands (Rebekah Spleen, Herself, Foreyard...). As a solo artist, he has also released an untitled album under the name of Float (Seahorse Recordings).
As 30 Door Key, Alessio's previous outings include a self-titled 7" for Feral Child Recordings; the track 'A Place Nobody Knows' on the compilation L Series #6 by Russian Library Records; and the track 'Monolith In Bowler' as a download for African Spacecraft Recordings.
releases January 31, 2025
Sounds & graphics by Alessio Bosco
Mix & mastering by Riccardo Piparo at Cantieri 51 Palermo