The Home Current The Circus Hunter
Vinyl Catalogue Number: SUBEX00086
Download Catalogue Number: SUBEX00087
General Release Date: 25/11/2022

“I’ve always found the notion of a circus somehow scary with a kind of underpinning darkness - or menace - tacitly present throughout everything related to the concept, be it the show, the tent, the manège, the captive animals or even the caravans. The participants, people such as the clowns, trapeze artists, let alone the ringmaster, never seem to express 'pure' fun. It's like they're always discreetly hinting at something darker and more evil hiding in the shades. Circus has always had some kind of presence in my life. My grandmother grew up within a travelling circus in Denmark many years ago and a cousin of mine reputedly ran away with another travelling circus in Ibiza for a while in the 80s. Some years ago my mother sent me a few faded black and white photos of my grandmother dressed up for performance and they are amazing. None of the persons pictured really seem to enjoy being in the photos though, their stares being somehow blank with a sprinkle of sadness - or melancholy - which of course fits hand in glove with that darkness. There are apparently many more photos but they've been handed to a circus museum in Denmark. Perhaps some day, if I dare to, I'll go and visit... In the meantime, I give you The Circus Hunter: The soundtrack to an 80s horror circus flick that perhaps could have been. I hope you will enjoy its breezy upbeat fun as well as its dark sides.”
Martin Jensen (The Home Current)
releases November 25, 2022
Written, performed and produced by Martin Jensen
Mastering by Antony Ryan @ RedRedPaw
Artwork by Goud